How is it that is it already February!? I know time goes faster the older you get but this is just ridiculous!
Did you commit to any new year’s resolutions? If so, what were they and how are you going with them? Have they already fallen by the wayside?
Setting grand goals is not really my thing. I find the grander they are the most likely you are to be overwhelmed and never do them. I like little goals that you can put on a list (YAY lists!) and tick them off as you achieve them. They’re just more realistic that way and the sense of accomplishment encourages me to hit my next goal. Remember, whenever setting goals, don’t only write down WHAT the goal is but HOW are you realistically going to accomplish it e.g. Eat less sugar = throw out all sugar and sugary foods from the house and don’t buy any more.
One thing I have committed to over the last few weeks is no TV during the week. I attempted this last year and failed but this year I’ve worked out HOW I’m going to achieve this – and that’s by taking my remote control to work with me on Monday and not bringing it back home till Friday. Now I don’t watch a huge amount of TV, but I do love my series! It’s a pretty common habit to come home, gym, make dinner and then sit down to watch an episode. Before you know it it’s 10.30pm and you haven’t done any of those other little things around the house, you get to bed late and aren’t refreshed for the next day (I wake at 5.30am) or making progress on any of your other goals. So this year I’m utilising my time better! No weekly TV is going well so far – at first you feel a bit lost but then I have my handy fridge list of other things to do…
- Learn German
- Read a Book
- Minimise (go through a small part of the house and sort / clean / throw things out)
- Clean
- Do Art
- Work on the Blog (obvs!)
It’s amazing what you can do with a few extra hours and how relaxed you feel before bed without having stared at the box.
So if you’re looking for extra time during the week to do all those things you want to do, consider giving up TV. Use that extra time to cook something from scratch, try a new recipe, go for a walk or a swim, exercise, meditate, read or learn something, take up another hobby, or simply get all your domestic duties done during the week so you have more time on the weekend to relax. Let me know how you go! And a big GOODLUCK with all of your 2017 goals!
Onto this week’s recipe! Last week I shared these Lamington Protein Balls featuring a super simple Paleo Raspberry Chia Jam – so here it is again in all its glory because it really does deserve its own post!
This Jam is awesomely versatile and you can use any frozen berries or fruit you want! For the lamington’s I made raspberry jam but I think blueberry, strawberry or even fresh figs if I can get my hands on some will be next on the agenda 😛
Berries also have their own natural sweetness so the maple syrup is totally optional. You could also replace it with honey, rice malt syrup or 3 drops of liquid stevia depending on what diet you follow.
Start by placing the frozen raspberries, maple syrup (or your chosen sweetener) and water into a heavy based pot and bring to a simmer. Stir and simmer with the lid off for about 15 minutes or until the liquid has reduced by half*.
Take the pot off the heat and let the mixture cool a little before adding in three tablespoons of chia seeds*. Mix thoroughly and transfer to a glass jar. Store in the fridge for up to a week.
*If you have decided to use chopped fruit instead of berries, remember that it may need a slightly longer cooking time to break down. When you take the mixture off the heat, use a stick blender to blend the fruit until it reaches a consistency you are happy with e.g. chunky vs. smooth. Then add in your chia seeds.
Use as you would normal jam – as a spread, a filling, a sweet dip for fruit slices, a topping on some yoghurt or whipped coconut cream, or even for a touch of sweetness against something savoury (like fig jam and cheese).
Easy 3 Ingredient Paleo Raspberry Chia Jam
- 1.5 cups frozen raspberries or berry / chopped fruit of your choice
- 1 teaspoon maple syrup optional
- 3 tablespoons chia seeds
- ½ cup water
- Place raspberries, maple syrup and water into a small heavy based pot
- Bring to a simmer, stir and cook for 15 minutes or until the liquid has reduced by half
- Take off the heat and add the chia seeds, mix evenly
- Place into a clean glass jar and into the fridge
- Leave for at least an hour before using / eating
- If you have decided to use chopped fruit instead of berries, remember that it may need a slightly longer cooking time to break down
- When you take the mixture off the heat, use a stick blender to blend the fruit until it reaches a consistency you are happy with e.g. chunky vs. smooth. Then add in your chia seeds
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